Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Habit of Being Truthful

X. Train them to a habit of always speaking the truth.

"Lying and prevarication are old sins. The devil was the father of them,--"
"Reader, I would have you remark how often God is spoken of in the Old Testament as the God of truth. Truth seems to be especially set before us as a leading feature in the character of Him with whom we have to do. He never swerves from the straight line. He abhors lying and hypocrisy. Try to keep this continually before your children's minds. Press upon them at all times, that less than truth is a lie; that evasion, excuse-making, and exaggeration are all halfway houses towards what is false, and ought to be avoided. Encourage them in any circumstances to be straightforward, and, whatever it may cost them, to speak the truth.

"I press this subject on your attention, not merely the sake of your children's character in the world,--though I might dwell much on this,--I urge it rather for your own comfort and assistance in all your dealings with them. You will find it a mighty help indeed, to be able always to trust their word. . ."

~ From The Duties of Parents, J. C. Ryle
(See our first post in this series) 

 [This, in my opinion, is one of the most crucial issues of childhood. I do believe lying is a sin that comes naturally for children from the day they are born. (Note Psalm 58:3) If there is any place for strict discipline, I'd humbly say that this should be dealt with early and consistently, and most of all, doing so out of love for their souls and future. God help you with this, dear parents. I don't speak as one who had it all together or had overwhelming success, but one who knows how difficult and important it is. Read asap what Mr. Ryle had to say about the degree of falsehood and deceit there is in the world. How easily our children can be caught up in this. ~ mr]

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