Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Habit of Prayer

VI. Train them to a habit of prayer.

"Prayer is the very life-breath of true religion. It is one of the first evidences that a man is born again...

"Prayer is the turning-point in a man's soul.

"Prayer is the mightiest engine God has placed in our hands. It is the best weapon to use in every difficulty, and the surest remedy in every trouble...

"Prayer is the simplest means that man can use in coming to God. It is within reach of all,...

"Parents, if you love your children, do all that lies in your power to train them up to a habit of prayer. Show them how to begin. Tell them what to say. Encourage them to persevere. Remind them if they become careless and slack about it. Let it not be your fault, at any rate, if they never call on the name of the Lord...

"Reader, if you love your children, I charge you, do not let the seed-time of a prayerful habit pass away unimproved. If you train your children to anything, train them, at least, to a habit of prayer."

~ From The Duties of Parents, J. C. Ryle
(See our first post in this series)   

[Oh how I hope you can read this whole section of the book very soon; it is so beautiful. ~ mr]


  1. I absolutely love this quote, "Reader, if you love your children, I charge you, do not let the seed-time of a prayerful habit pass away unimproved. If you train your children to anything, train them, at least, to a habit of prayer."

    Good habits formed early are hard to stray away from.

  2. Amen, Kim. I could not agree more. Thanks so much for your visit and your comment. The Lord bless.

  3. Oh, so well said! I have been working on a post similar to this, but it is stuck somewhere in my drafts :) Great post! Thank you...
    I would love to ask you to share on the 'EOA' Wednesday weekly Link-up at Deep Roots At Home if you haven't/don't already...your content is what I'm looking for and is also encouraging!

  4. Thanks for the comment, Jacqueline, and I do intend to share on the 'EOA' Wednesday in the future. I just discovered it, but getting your personal invite is very special. Thanks so much!
