Friday, December 5, 2014
Childhood Glimpses: Matthew Henry
"Matthew Henry was born at Broad Oaks, Shropshire, England, on October 18, 1662....[he] was physically weak, but it was not long before his strength of intellect and character made themselves known. At the age of three, he was reading the Bible; by the time he was nine, he was competent in Latin and Greek. He spent his first eighteen years being tutored at home, in an atmosphere that was joyfully and lovingly Christian.
"He loved to hear his father preach. A sermon on Psalm 51:17 first awakened in young Matthew a desire to know the Lord personally. He was only ten years old at the time, but the impression was lasting. When he was thirteen, Matthew wrote an amazingly mature analysis of his own spiritual condition, a document that reads like an ordinary paper. Often, after hearing his father preach, Matthew would hurry to his room and pray that God would seal the Word and the spiritual impressions made to his heart so that he might not lose them. God answered those youthful prayers."
(From 10 People Every Christian should Know by Warren W. Wiersbe)
How precious it is to take a quick glimpse into the young life of this man who few Christians don't at least know by name. How many of us have his great Commentary on our shelves and many of us actually use it. There is little of the usual controversy about denomination and difficult passages that are often argued over. This is a commentary we can all benefit from, it is so devotional and practical. And written by a man who came to know the Savior young, and never went astray from that faith. This, dear ones, is a Christian hero. This friends, is the kind of story we would want our children to have, though it is far more difficult now than it was in Matthew Henry's day. But we can do our best.
Nanna Maxine
Christian Heroes
Monday, December 1, 2014
Hello, December!
Well, here we go. We all know what December brings and what it's like. Mainly for us and the point of this post is to mention that we've started the cycle of Bright Gems prayers again at the Facebook page. This time, for the winter months, we have this cute snowman hiding behind the prayers. I hope folks will join in with us in praying for our children and grandchildren. God bless you this month and always.
Nanna Maxine
Bright Gems,
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Apples, Anyone?
Currently, there's not much selling going on over at the website, but folks still go visit for the articles, so we'll just leave things be for now. There is a sense where you might say we've gone out of business, but the PayPal buttons remain for those items which are still available if anyone wants them. But as for the articles, this particular one still remains as one of the most popular, and one of my personal favorites from the long ago newsletter.
Thought it was a good time to remind folks of it, in case anyone stops by. I love this season of making apple cake, apple crisp, and apple pie. I would imagine you do too, and really, apples are quite healthy in more ways than you may think. Eating a fresh apple is one of the best things your children can do for their overall health.
Happy cooking as we approach Thanksgiving. What goes better with this wonderful holiday than an apple pie?
Nanna Maxine
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Siblings- A field of Happiness and Usefulness
"What a field of happiness and usefulness is open to the girl with little brothers and sisters!" ~ from Beautiful Girlhood, Karen Andreola. And this painting by Seymour Joseph Guy aptly illustrates that point. I hope you're dear children, especially your daughters are learning the value of having siblings. What lessons are learned by their mere presence and sharing of the same home.
quotes and thoughts
Friday, October 24, 2014
Try, Try, Again
This poem was one of our Speakables back when we were first offering them and what a good one to teach our children. Not only is this a lesson for them, but for us as well. How quickly we give up at times. And the best we can do for our kids is to let them see us, hanging in there, persevering when things go wrong or get tough.
quotes and thoughts,
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Special Offer on Bright Gems
This special offer continues, having been extended from the beginning of the school year now until the end of the calendar year. I don't know how many times or how often we'll do this, but there is no better time than now to purchase this book. Not familiar with it? Well the book description is here and the special offer is here. Also tell your friends who may be wanting a daily devotional for their kids or one to do with them and one which will help them discuss character issues along with some basic Christian doctrine.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Children and Pets
More often than not this is the best combination ever--a child and a pet. Often there's a special bond of love and understanding, and often children are taught very good qualities of character via the care of a pet. They can and most likely will also have one of their first encounters with grief when a beloved one of God's creatures who has shared their life and home departs. It might even be a fish or a little hamster. Whatever its nature, the shared love and/or responsibilities of its care are worthwhile in any child's development. So if you can, and there are no health issues or other legitimate hindrances, I would highly recommend you enrich your child's life this way.
We have a new board at Pinterest, and it's called "Children and Pets" and there you'll find other pictures like this one. To qualify for this board, there has to be a pet and a child together, and oh, some hint of the love factor. The pin this photo is from is here, and the board is to the right of that. Enjoy.
animal crackers,
Monday, September 1, 2014
Bright Gems Prayers
Total we started our SIXTH cycle of the Bright Gems Prayers at the Facebook page. It's hard to believe we've been through them that many times but we have. And we'll keep on until the Lord somehow let's us know we need to stop. Even though I do the posting and wrote the prayers, I say "we" because there's a sense in which these prayers are shared by quite a few of us. They don't have a huge number of people who have a particular regard for them, but there are a few who use them as reminders and who I do believe join in with some or all of them. So, hence, I say this is a plural thing. And I'm so very thankful. Above is Day 1 of Month 1 of the three months in the new format just started today. I hope the words written here are your prayer too.
Many blessings to your household,
Nanna Maxine
Bright Gems,
Saturday, August 23, 2014
"Packages of Time"
So sorry for the typo on the word "sickness" but the truth of this is the important thing. While in Ecclesiastes we're taught there is a time for this and that, indeed it's not handed to us in a neat little package from which we can choose those times. What is a Family? is a wonderful book, authored by Edith Schaeffer, and I highly recommend it for your library if you don't have it. It's available for your Kindle at a great price.
books and products,
quotes and thoughts
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Cake Smashing
I saw this link on Facebook to a sight with pictures of babies on their first birthday doing what those one year olds do best--smashing their cakes. But this pro-life page had a sobering message: "Every baby deserves a birthday." Oh, how true this is. Go see these delightful babies here.
little ones
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Solemn Charge, Precious Privilege
This could be said of mothers too, but the focus of Mr. Pink's article was fathers, and oh what a quote for them to remember. The charge given to fathers by the Lord our God is indeed a solemn one. They are to bring up these young ones unto Him, in the fear and nurture of Him, and with an eye to the fact, as the article further states, that their families are "nurseries" for both Church and State. The charge given can only be done prayerfully and carefully. So we must pray for fathers!
But as solemn a charge we see that they have--what a precious privilege! Ohhh, they will have to fix bikes and other toys from time to time. They will have to even apply bandages and kiss away tears of disappointment. But beyond that, to think that "in their hands are deposited the hope and blessing, or else the curse and plague, of the next generation." Indeed, what a solemn charge! But always remember, with every large responsibility, there is more than often a blessed privilege. And as we know, with that responsibility and privilege, God meets us along the way and promises not to leave the task for us to do without His help. Wonderful news indeed.
Praying for you fathers [and mothers].
In His love,
Nanna Maxine
quotes and thoughts
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Natural Resources
Worth repeating, don't you agree? This is an important quote for us all to remember, especially on the national front.
quotes and thoughts
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Show Them the Way
Going to start making some posters with little nuggets from Ryle from his booklet we studied a while ago. Here's the first.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Homemade Parties - A Repeat
Exactly four years ago today, I posted an article from the old website about having parties at home for your kids, and this serves as a reminder, since I do believe in the principles set forth in it. Brings many memories of days gone by when we had parties in this home and what fun. And not were they just fun, but there were many precious memories stored away for a lifetime. Who knows what God can do with that. The article is still there if you would like to read it.
homemade parties
Monday, June 9, 2014
A Good Father
Father's Day is almost here and around here we do realize the importance of a loving and faithful father in the life of any child. What a blessing to those who have one. Unfortunately, all don't, but that won't stop us from praying for and striving to see more. a valuable asset indeed.
Nanna Maxine
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Bright Gems Offer extended
Well, happily for customers, not only has the regular price for the Bright Gems for His Crown book been reduced, perhaps forever, but the special offer for our online friends has also been reduced and extended. Here's the direct link for folks which can be only accessed via Facebook, Pinterest, and this blog. Take advantage here. Not only does this book teach your kids character qualities, but at the same time there's mixed in the doctrines about God and Jesus which we all hold dear. Your older primaries can use it for personal devotions or you can use it for family devotions with all the ages, including the younger ones. This is apparently what quite a few families do.
God bless and do spread the word.
Nanna Maxine
books and products,
Bright Gems
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Jesus Loves Me!
A cute little girl singing the song children loves best. What can be better than that?
hymns and verses,
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The Mighty Engine
May we never forget and may we be sure to not only teach this to our children, but guide them in it. This is a quote from our beloved booklet "The Duties of Parents" by Mr. Ryle that we did a series on not too long ago. You can find those posts under the "parenting" and "J.C. Ryle" categories to the left.
quotes and thoughts
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Sister's Kiss
The kiss of a sister makes it all better. I love the compassion, kindness, and comforting seen in this one painting by Frederick Morgan.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Talking to and About our Children to Jesus
No further words needed. This was a very popular quote at our Facebook page recently and well it should be. We can all identify.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Remember Him to Your Children
"And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat, this is my body. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." Matthew 26:26-28
"Since that night Christian people in all the world celebrate the Lord's Supper by eating bread and drinking wine in memory of the death of our dear Lord. The bread and wine are signs that we share in the forgiveness of sins which His death made possible. To those who truly love Jesus, and who come to Him to have their sins forgiven, the Lord's Supper is sacred." ~ Catherine F. Vos, The Child's Story Bible
Remember Him to your children. Teach them what this was (and is) all about.
Nanna Maxine
family devotions,
quotes and thoughts
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
Helping and Working
See? You're never too young to be a helper. Remember the daily Bright Gems prayers at the Facebook page? Well, since they're based on the devotions in the book, naturally today's was about helping, with a particular emphasis on the fact that even the youngest child can be a helper. This picture is certainly illustrating that. Also, it's also a little reminder about tomorrow's topic, working hard.
Nanna Maxine
Bright Gems,
Friday, April 4, 2014
Precious Treasure
We had our first "Daughter Day" at Facebook yesterday and this was one of the posts. No more need be said, except that I have a particular heart for little girls, not just because I have only daughters and granddaughters and no boys, but because it's just always been that way. But boys will not be totally neglected here. However, there will probably be more Daughter Days at the FB page for the reason already stated.
Girls themselves are treasures in a very special way, and most boys and young men come to realize this eventually. So what we can say to parents and grandparents of boys is to make sure your sons/grandsons know this and treat them as such.
Nanna Maxine
quotes and thoughts
Monday, March 31, 2014
Enough to Share
"If there is any at all, there is enough to share." Elizabeth Mullendore.
Do you have times of plenty alternating with times of want? Or do you have long seasons of both? Whatever the case, this quote would apply. If you have anything, it can be shared. A lovely thought for your home and for your children.
quotes and thoughts
Monday, March 24, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Hello, Spring
She's celebrating the arrival of Spring. Are you at your house? We have much to be thankful for, as always, and one of those things is for keeping us through a very bitter and harsh winter. But then doesn't that make us appreciate this wonderful season of flowers and bird singing all the more?
I think this is a lovely painting by Frederick Morgan (1856-1927), don't you? Many blessings to you at your home and may you and your children appreciate all of God's gifts.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Busy Pretty Little Mommy
I posted this at the Facebook page today; I just love this lovely depiction of a little girl playing mommy and dress up at the same time. How many of us "big" girls remember those days, but as most of us know, a child's play is work, preparing her (or him) for the future. Seems this little lady is preparing quite well to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Love the artist's use of colors and the sunlight coming in. How pleasant to the eyes.
I hope if you have daughters, you're teaching them well in the ways of coming godly womanhood. Being a good homemaker is part of it, but there are many more facets, such as a kind and compassionate heart for one thing.
Nanna Maxine
Monday, March 3, 2014
Aesop Fables
Don't forget to use these fables in the life of your family. You can apply them so many ways! Today we posted one at the Facebook page, but remember there is always one here to use in your homeschool writing activities or just as a nice little exercise to link onto your family devotions. You can get into some very good discussions using many of these. Use the above Aesop tab to go to the current "Speakable" writing activity.
Nanna Maxine :)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Mommies are Little Girls
Image: Little Bud Photography
"Mommies are just big little girls." Unknown. I really like this quote because it's cute, yes, but there is a lot of truth in it. The way I see it, when little girls grow up to be mommies, in most cases they've been "practicing" all their lives--just as this little girl is. How many times have you seen it? A little girl and her dolly--a "mommy" and her little one. Speaking of which, don't forget our "Playing Mommy" board at Pinterest to see other pictures demonstrating what we just observed, and some in many other cultures too.
quotes and thoughts
Monday, February 10, 2014
Her Hand in Marriage
Watch this father giving away his daughter at her wedding. Listen to what he said. It will really grab you. I know it did me.
Post by Peter N Goodwin.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
From Childhood
"It is a great happiness to know the holy scriptures from our childhood. The age of children is the learning age; and those who would get true learning must get it out of the scriptures." ~ Matthew Henry.
quotes and thoughts
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Love God Completely
"The prerequisite for teaching your children about God successfully is that you love God completely. ~ Elizabeth George
This is one of the valentines that's being featured at the Facebook page between now and February 14th or so. I'm making a folder of them there if you want to go check them out. All, of course, on the theme of love, but related somehow to children. This one is No. 6.
quotes and thoughts,
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A Cup of Cold Water, and Jesus
Image: World's Children Facebook
shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun
light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the
throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of
waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Rev. 7:16-17
Let's do our best to give these little ones a cup of cold water (Matthew 10:42) and most of all Jesus, and then these words will be true of them in eternity.
Let's do our best to give these little ones a cup of cold water (Matthew 10:42) and most of all Jesus, and then these words will be true of them in eternity.
Nanna Maxine
needy children
Monday, January 27, 2014
Words that can be applied to children of any and every age, from infancy throughout their adult years.
quotes and thoughts
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
How to Miss a Childhood
I just ran across this interesting article but the use of phones with our children around, and it's VERY convicting. So I highly encourage people, particularly moms, to read it. It's well worth the time you take to ponder over this and pray about it. It can be applied in other ways too, and the bottom line is giving our kids the attention they need. Go here to the "Hands Free Mama" blog for this article.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Breanna's Friend
First, I want you to read this nice story to your children to help them to think about children with disabilities. Then, by linking you to this kids' blog at "Joni and Friends," I hope if you haven't been aware of it before, you will be now and will from time to time go to it with your own kids. It would be nice for them to see some of these short, sweet posts and hopefully find real situations to pray about. Maybe it will encourage them to want to reach out in some way someday. The article is here.
needy children
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Artist: George Dunlop Leslie
I got this lovely painting from a friend's Facebook page and thought I'd post it here for its beauty but also as we look at these three young ladies in different stages of girlhood, I thought it a nice reminder of the treasure of girlhood and how important it is that we rear our young ladies in the ways of God. A nice helpful resource for this is still at our website. Beautiful Girlhood is a book that is tried and true, so if you don't have a copy for the girls in your life, I'd encourage you to get it. The companion to it is available as well.
Thanks to "Miss Magnolia's Favorites" on Facebook for sharing with us this lovely photo.
Thanks to "Miss Magnolia's Favorites" on Facebook for sharing with us this lovely photo.
Things are busy in our household of late so I've been cutting back on posts, but hopefully will pick up again eventually.
Nanna Maxine
books and products,
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A Case for Childhood Devotions
But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-15 (NKJV)
You are doing many things right. You have prayer with your children at bedtime. You take them to church and Sunday School. You have family worship, teaching and exhorting these precious ones whom you hold as a trust from Almighty God. If you are homeschooling parents, you have Bible class and you guide them in Scripture memorization. But I have a couple of questions which I believe are crucial: Do your children have personal devotions? Do they start at a young age, that is, as soon as they are able to read on their own?
If your answers to these questions are no, consider making it a priority in your family to begin this practice now. As important as a daily time with the Lord may be to you, view it as being just as essential in the lives of your children. "Why?" you ask. "I don't know if they're even converted!" That may be so, but it's my contention that whether they are saved or not is not the issue. The real issue is what will save them if they are not? And what will nurture them if they are? You know the answer, of course. It's basic to our faith and implicit in all our training. God's Word brings salvation and it is that very Word that brings growth. It's necessary at seed time and at harvest time. It's necessary for the adult and for the child.
From their newborn days, you nurture your children with their needed food. And when you do, you see your little bean sprouts becoming firm, sturdy plants. You and I know, however, that the needed food for their souls is the law of the Lord, which is perfect and "sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb." (Psalm 19:10) So it is that God, in 1 Peter 2:2, tells His people "as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby." Indeed, as we see over and again in Psalm 119 and elsewhere in Scripture, it is the means to their cleansing and the path to their heart. It's a requirement for all that we are trying to accomplish with them.
"That may be so," you say, "but isn't it enough that they hear the Word in church and Bible class and family devotions?" As I implied earlier, that's good and right if you're doing these things. Praise God. I pray that He'll provide more and more parents like you. But listen to my case just a little longer while I give you three specific reasons why I believe it's needful that your children have time in the Word that is personal and that they have it daily:
First, a relationship with God is personal. It's one on one. Sure, it's important that a family worship together, study God's Word together, and pray together. But eventually, each individual in the family has to meet God face to face. Someday, your children will have to answer to their Creator on a personal basis. They will need to come to grips with who Jesus is and what this means to each of them, specially. We all agree that your children need to be taught and given loving guidance, but we also know that there will be a day of reckoning which will take place solely between Susie or Joey and God. Personal devotions accentuate this fact, and the more often they take place, the better.
Second, one of our important duties, especially if we're homeschooling, is to help our children learn to read. It's one of the important areas of our parenting. Most of us have this view, as we know how vital this skill is to their futures. Soon after the attainment of some measure of ability, we encourage them in it. We give them good books, interesting books, to spur them on. It delights us when we see one of our little ones curled up in a corner reading something that has captured them. The point here is, as we encourage these private times with books, certainly we don't want to leave out the Bible! In fact, you probably already know that many great people in history who taught themselves to read, accomplished this by using the Word of God as their primary source. If you want to further advance their aptitude in this crucial area of life, then a daily time set aside in the Word, with added prayer, would surely be beneficial.
And third, having a set time of day for meeting with God in His Word helps build character. It's one more responsibility for them. It's a "promise" they need to fulfill every day. They will learn that they must be dependable and keep this "appointment" with the One who sees and hears all that they do. No one else can keep it for them. It's their duty and obligation to the Lord. You might also say that it helps them to learn a habit which will hopefully be with them all of their lives. Best of all, it's a habit which we can hope will lead them to God.
One more thing: While I am encouraging personal, even private, devotions for your youngsters, I am by no means negating the need for parental involvement. This is not only needful, but crucial. At some point after they've finished the day's devotions, talk to them about it. Ask what they learned in their time with God. Find out if they have any questions and provide any input that you think is necessary. They certainly will require your help. They only need to spend ten to fifteen minutes for their quiet time. For younger children, the time could be even less. It needn't be but two or three verses at first. When my girls were young, I "assigned" their verses by writing the dates and the assignments in a notebook for the one and on index cards for the other, with a question or two for them to answer on each passage. It takes a little time on your part, but it's worth it. Also, you might want to get your hands on a good children's devotional book to have around for times when doing it yourself would be too cumbersome.
Perhaps your children already have daily quiet times with Jesus. I hope so. But if not, consider prioritizing this addition to their lives for the reasons given. Maybe it's then and there that seeds will be planted in fertile soil. Maybe it's then and there that cultivation will take place. Maybe it's then and there that a harvest will come. Even if not, it is well worth the effort.
Lovingly, Nanna Maxine
(Note: This is an article found at the website. You can find more articles here.)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Children Are Living Messages
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." ~ Neil Postman.
Oh, what an important truth for us to start the New Year with. May the Lord help us all as we strive to impact their lives in a way that will send them forth as messengers who glorify Him.
Happy New Year to all who stop by and read this post.
Nanna Maxine
quotes and thoughts
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