Sunday, September 7, 2014

Children and Pets

More often than not this is the best combination ever--a child and a pet. Often there's a special bond of love and understanding, and often children are taught very good qualities of character via the care of a pet. They can and most likely will also have one of their first encounters with grief when a beloved one of God's creatures who has shared their life and home departs. It might even be a fish or a little hamster. Whatever its nature, the shared love and/or responsibilities of its care are worthwhile in any child's development. So if you can, and there are no health issues or other legitimate hindrances, I would highly recommend you enrich your child's life this way.

We have a new board at Pinterest, and it's called "Children and Pets" and there you'll find other pictures like this one. To qualify for this board, there has to be a pet and a child together, and oh, some hint of the love factor. The pin this photo is from is here, and the board is to the right of that. Enjoy.

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