Sunday, September 7, 2014

Children and Pets

More often than not this is the best combination ever--a child and a pet. Often there's a special bond of love and understanding, and often children are taught very good qualities of character via the care of a pet. They can and most likely will also have one of their first encounters with grief when a beloved one of God's creatures who has shared their life and home departs. It might even be a fish or a little hamster. Whatever its nature, the shared love and/or responsibilities of its care are worthwhile in any child's development. So if you can, and there are no health issues or other legitimate hindrances, I would highly recommend you enrich your child's life this way.

We have a new board at Pinterest, and it's called "Children and Pets" and there you'll find other pictures like this one. To qualify for this board, there has to be a pet and a child together, and oh, some hint of the love factor. The pin this photo is from is here, and the board is to the right of that. Enjoy.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Bright Gems Prayers

Total we started our SIXTH cycle of the Bright Gems Prayers at the Facebook page. It's hard to believe we've been through them that many times but we have. And we'll keep on until the Lord somehow let's us know we need to stop. Even though I do the posting and wrote the prayers, I say "we" because there's a sense in which these prayers are shared by quite a few of us. They don't have a huge number of people who have a particular regard for them, but there are a few who use them as reminders and who I do believe join in with some or all of them. So, hence, I say this is a plural thing. And I'm so very thankful. Above is Day 1 of Month 1 of the three months in the new format just started today. I hope the words written here are your prayer too.

Many blessings to your household,

Nanna Maxine