There are some things you may or may not know about Clive Staples Lewis, a/k/a "Jack" by his family and friends, a/k/a C. S. Lewis by the world at large. Did you know he lost both his mother and his wife from cancer? Did you know that as a result of his mother's death when he was still a boy, he became an atheist? Did you know he became good friends with J.R.R. Tolkein, author of The Lord of the Rings? Did you know he died on November 22, 1963, the same day President John Kennedy was assassinated? These and other details of Mr. Lewis' earthly journey would probably be of interest to your children!
And, of course, the most interesting part of his journey to tell them would be that which took him from atheism in his youth to salvation in his maturity, the man who continues to bless Christianity through his writings. This man, who as a young boy said there couldn't be a God when his mom died, has left a legacy of brilliance in such writings as The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and, of course, the Chronicles of Narnia.
What might the children in our lives learn from Mr. Lewis? Perhaps you'll agree with me that it would be quite worthwhile to delve into his life a little with them. I have in my possession little publications dated in 2005. They're called "Glimpses for Kids" ; they were colorful little worship bulletins put out by Christian History Institute. I'm not sure if they're still being published, but it would be worth looking into. The one about Mr. Lewis is Issue #27 and it's great. At the moment, I'm looking at a "Narnia Criss-Cross" puzzle on the back. Actually, all of these bulletins are really informative for kids, all giving interesting facts about Christian heroes from our past nicely laid out for young folks. I wanted to pass that on to you, but in the meantime in this cyber age, I have a link to Church History for Kids at which has an excerpt from that bulletin.
I'm really thankful for God's gift to us of people like this man and many others. While Lewis was by no means perfect, there is much to be gleaned from reading about him. I don't know anyone who's read the above book, but from the reviews it seems it's for young readers, and that the author doesn't tamper with his Christian faith. So you might want to look into that too.
Please enrich your children's minds by telling them about these people who accomplished much for our Christian faith. You can't go wrong.
Maxine, a/k/a Nanna