Friday, January 22, 2021

Prayers for These

 It's been a long time for posting! Some while back, I had pretty much decided maybe it was time to think of this place more as a memory of past days, but of late I'm thinking, well maybe don't give up yet. It's still a place where we can keep track of what's happening with the ministry. In that case, I think I'll still pick it up again for occasional current thoughts and happenings. 

So, having said that,  there have been a couple of new things which could be considered significant as far as Speakable Gifts goes. For me, the biggest change has been the addition of a new Facebook page. This one is very special  to me, as it's for something that's been close to this heart for many a year. And that "something" is certain children, not so much the ones in our homes being parented which we mostly address at the Helping Childgren Grow page. No, this one is to turn our concerns OUTSIDE of our own homes to a world where there are many children who are suffering for countless reasons. We live in a fallen world, and as such, many little ones and young ones are left trampled on, in one way or another, in its wake.

So, born out of that fact, we have a new Facebook page which addresses those children in the categories that are harsh realities of this fallen world. With the support of some dear friends, I launched the page in August, calling it "Prayers For Such as These." If someone lands on this blog post page and wishes to come over and be a part, it would be just wonderful. We're not about numbers over there, but about prayers. We know what the Bible says about prayers. So just because of that, let's hope the humble petitions offered up by a few believing intercessors mean something to our God, and who else is it that we care about pleasing? He is able to work mightily through the prayers of His people, as we all know.

So. The poster I have above is our "About" to help folks understand the children groups more specifically, even though there are other individual situations that come up periodically which aren't on the listing and we address those specific needs when they arise.

Thanks! This is a call to come join us at Prayers for Such as These !

Lovingly. Prayerfully,

Nanna Maxine

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