New Speakables are up and a details on a new contest will be up by Monday!! For a sneak preview, click on the Poem tab.
I had my daughter make this for my mom years ago when she (my daughter) was a little girl who liked doing projects. It really did have a pleasant smell and Mom loved it, mainly because her beloved granddaughter had made it. I don't know how long you can access the instructions from the link, but check over at The Old Farmer's Almanac for this and other activities for your kids.
Our Children's cassette is now at a very low price while we seek the Lord's guidance as to how to get it in CD form in an affordable way. Pray for us, please. Meanwhile, if you have a cassette player or know someone else who does whose children would benefit, I encourage you to take advantage of the offer.Most of the very young (little guys and gals) who hear it, love singing the songs and reciting the verses. I doubt if yours will be an exception. My older daughter was 17 and my younger was 5 when we recorded this, and the children of our dear friends who helped out were 10, 8, 6, and 4. They are all now young adults and all living for the Lord by His grace and mercy. (Well, Daniel the youngest is now 17 so almost a young adult.) You have GOT to hear four year old Daniel recite "All we like sheep have gone astray.") Kids love hearing other kids, so that's a bonus and the 17 year old voice helps hold everything together.
I will always love this recording, especially the memories it brings. Now my grandchildren are enjoying it and we want to have these voices around for the children of ages to come. So again, I ask that you pray for us that we can soon find a way to have it in CD form so more families can enjoy it.
More information is at our website and you can order it there.
God's blessings,