I came across the following website quite by accident and I LOVE it!!! I just HAD to pass it on to folks who come here to HCG so that you can bookmark it. Excellent project(s) for the whole family to work on together and a wonderful hobby for older boys and girls alike. You'll find links to all kinds of goodies, especially for art and applying math skills. Hats off to this lady, Jennifer; I sure do wish I had tried this when my children were smaller. Dollhouses are so great. And making your own. . .well, that's the best. Hours of enjoyment for young people of all ages and surely you'll agree that it reaps lots of imaginative benefits as well as decorating skills which will be useful in future days.
If any of you out there do try your hand at any of these projects, please let us know how you make out. Go now to
Let's Build a Dollhouse and look around!